Friday, April 29, 2005

Take a memo, Ms. Smith...

Dear O.T.B.P. fans,
Usually our hikes are scheduled for the first Sunday of each month, except when Hiker Jane can't make it work with her schedule. Please take note that the first Sundays of the months of May, June,...AND August are all bad hiking days for Hiker Jane. So. Many. WEDDINGS!

Therefore, please be aware of the following upcoming hike dates.

Sunday, May 8th, [12PM ~ 4PM @ TBD]
Sunday, June 12th, [12PM ~ 4PM @ TBD]
Sunday, July 3rd, [12PM ~ 4PM @ TBD] <--- I know this is 4th o' July weekend, but I'm not going anywhere, so if folks are in town, we'll hike!
Sunday, August, 14th [12PM ~ 4PM @ TBD]

Please make a note of it in your calendars, Palm Pilots, or just a random slip of paper.